Saskatoon, SK
S7M 3P4
Tel: (306) 229.0408
As you drive along HWY 55, just off the side of the road you will find a business that fulfills almost all your needs.
The Canwood Hotel & Bar offers travelers and locals a wide variety of services.
A fully licensed air conditioned beverage room, ATM, cold off-sale, liquor vendor, VLTS and a grill (with the best burgers in town)!
If you are on your way to the lake and in need of a case of Coors Light, a nice bottle of Merlot, some chicken wings and a couple bags of ice, the Canwood Hotel & Bar is the one stop business you are looking for, just mere feet off the highway.
We look forward to serving you in the (near) future.
521 Main St, Canwood, SK S0J 0K0
Phone: 306.468.2256
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