Canwood Hotel & Bar

Canwood Hotel & Bar

As you drive along HWY 55, just off the side of the road you will find a business that fulfills almost all your needs.

The Canwood Hotel & Bar offers travelers and locals a wide variety of services.

A fully licensed air conditioned beverage room, ATM, cold off-sale, liquor vendor, VLTS and a grill (with the best burgers in town)!

If you are on your way to the lake and in need of a case of Coors Light, a nice bottle of Merlot, some chicken wings and a couple bags of ice, the Canwood Hotel & Bar is the one stop business you are looking for, just mere feet off the highway.

We look forward to serving you in the (near) future.

Contact Information

Canwood Hotel & Bar

521 Main St, Canwood, SK  S0J 0K0
Phone: 306.468.2256


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